Are you suffering from weight gain? Are you tired of losing weight? Today I will discuss few points to reduce weight by walking for weight loss.
- Walk 3 Km daily.
- Reduce intake of sugar
- Drink lots of water
- Maintain your diet
- Eat lots of protein
- Stop Alcohol/smoking
- Exercise daily
- Reduce intake of Food
- Dont eat stale food
- And take lots of rest
Today people intake lots of food and do less exercise that leads to weight gain and fatty liver and also Cholesterol that will usually increased the risk of heart disease and diabetes and future will also damaged your liver in coming future.
You will get difficult in digesting food and also your other diseases such uric acid and thyroid and other diseases.
Intake of Alcohol regularly canalso damage liver so drink wisely when needed most.
Stop Eating Non-vegetarian food it also increase the risk of several cancer related diseases.
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